sugar series: part one
Everyone has a story. Let me tell you mine.
I have always had an unusual love for sugar. Several major moments in my life revolve around it. Some of my fondest and most cherished memories are because of sugar. As a kid, my appetite for that sweetness was constant. I remember visiting my grandma’s house and being amazed at her sugar drawer. A entire drawer and it’s only job was to hold sugar! I can’t tell you how many cups of sugar I’ve snuck out of that drawer through the years. It’s just so inviting; get a fork for dinner, sneak some sugar.
From my grandma’s house to my own house growing up, candies, sweets, and treats were always present. My mom is an incredible baker. I would watch her in the kitchen making her famous cinnamon rolls or dinner rolls in wonder. She made cakes, cookies, suckers, you name it. I especially loved making cinnamon suckers with her. She is my ultimate example and teacher.
Every Sunday I would beg my mom to let me make a treat. Finally, at 11 years old, I was able to give it a shot. And what did I choose to make for my first try? Taffy. I love that my mom encouraged it regardless of the degree of difficulty. That first Sunday treat did not go well, but I kept trying and learning. I tried my hand at just about anything with sugar as the main ingredient. And the treats kept getting better and better.
There are two big reasons why I love sugar the way I do and why I’ve chosen to carry that love with me through adulthood. The first is that candies, cakes and goodies simply make people happy. And if I’m able to share that with others, then I’m taking part in one of the most amazing experiences. The second reason is that I long to create memories that are full of fun, laughter, and togetherness for people. My cakes can do that for people. Sugar can do that for people.
Life is short, let’s make it sweet!